Sunday, February 12, 2012

Picture of the Day 9-12

Day 9 - Front Door

Since I've lived here, I have had a Super Target within a 10-minute drive from my house. Growing up in a small town 30 minutes away from the closest Target, I thought it couldn't get much better than 10 minutes away. I.WAS.WRONG! A new Target is going up about 2 minutes from my house and is set to open in March. I am pretty sure I will be there the day it opens! ha! I.LOVE.TARGET! Isn't it a beauty? :)
Day 10 Self-Portrait
This kind of explains itself. Might I mention I hate taking pictures of myself! ha!
Day 10 Makes you happy
Nothing makes me happier than spending time with the Hubby. We really do have the best time together - even after 8 years of marriage.
Day 11 Inside of your Closet
Lucky for me I cleaned out my closet last weekend so this picture doesn't look too bad. Our house was built in the 80's so the closets are SMALL so it's really necessary to keep them cleaned out and organized. I hate that this picture doesn't show all of my shoe boxes...I have a slight problem! :)
I'm kind of enjoying this "Picture of the Day" thing and it's forcing me to keep up with my blogging. :)