I have really dropped the ball lately with blogging. Things have been so hectic lately, but not with anything fun. I am currently trying to finish up my last Masters class and it is kicking my butt! This is partly my own fault because I have procrastinated and am now struggling to get everything completed and turned in.
My best friend lately seems to be stress! Stress is everywhere I go and has begun to consume me! If any of you know my parents you know where I would get this personality trait! (Sorry Mom and Dad - I love you - but it's true) Rob and I are currently at a crossroads in our life and are trying to figure out which way to go. Since we got married, Rob has always wanted to live in Oneonta to be near my family. I, on the other hand, had no desire to live in small town Oneonta until the last year. Once we started talking about having children of our own, I realized how much I missed my family. I absolutely love the area we live now because it is so convenient to everything, everything that is except the people that mean the most to me (other than Rob of course)! Yes, both of our jobs are in Huntsville! The plan is that I will find something closer to Oneonta and Rob will continue to commute to Huntsville. Of course, the job market right now isn't very promising so we'll see how that pans out.
Our next issue is whether we want to buy a house or build one. There aren't many houses in our price range in Oneonta and the ones that are just aren't our style. Therefore, building would be a smarter choice. However, I don't handle stress well and really don't know how well I would handle building a house! My mom is stress-prone and she and my dad handled building a house very well! She assures me that I can do it and she will help! Rob and I have never built a house so we have SO many questions that we have to ask family and friends. We actually drove down and spent the day in Oneonta with my dad and Jacob. We drove around Oneonta looking at subdivisions and neighborhoods to get some ideas. I'm not sure if we are more confused or less confused after actually looking at the lots! Any advice would be greatly appreciated! We are just so confused and unsure of what the future holds so we will be doing a lot of praying! :)
7 years ago
Everything will work out how it's supposed to. If you build a house, I think you'll be so happy because you'll get to pick everything out!! I am still waiting to hear back from my mom about that lot - you know how she is! I will see you tomorrow!
You seriously want my advice?
No I'm asking advice about building a house. I'm really not asking anyone's opinion on whether we should move or not.
I can't believe you are moving back. But, I couldn't believe Missy Maples did either. Being near family is nice...especially with little ones. We are just under an hour from my mom and dad and it sure has come in handy when I need to run some errands. Good luck with everything and don't stress out too bad, it will all work out.
Ummm, OK. It was a joke. I was going to say that 74 Twin Oaks hasn't closed yet and there's still time to snatch it up. Guess not. eric
Thanks for the offer! I think we really want to build one to get exactly what we want because we have found a floor plan that we love. We just need to find somewhere to put it. Now, if you've got some property to sell we can talk! ;)
Rob needs to talk to Scott about the drive. He did that drive for a long time before we moved to Hunstville. If I where you I would look in the Arab area. I will be looking in that area for sure in about 4 years when Brett gets out of school. That is close to family but not to close, just remember you are alot like me!!!!
Doesn't Scott technically drive further from Russellville to Huntsville than he did from Oneonta to Huntsville?
Well, first off Ashley is right.... everything will work out. Secondly, everyone is different, and some people like to be close to family and some don't like to be too close, so you can't listen to everyone's opinions. Personally I would love for ya'll to be back in Oneonta, and I think you know that. But either way, ya'll need to do what is best for you two, not for everyone else. And don't stress so much, just continue to pray about it, and you know that in the end you'll make the decision that is right for you and Rob.
I Love You, Jacob
Yes he does, but it is four lane all the way and it is not from Oneonta and that makes a big difference.
I think you should definitely move back. The sushi at Charlie B's is awesome on Friday night if you get there early.
That just means we will have to find a new sushi restaurant and go with you guys! You know we are game for new things, especially when sushi is involved!
Hmmm...I can't help with the sushi, but apparently there is an awesome Indian restaurant and a Vietnamese place near our new house. If we all go and it's terrible, at least it'll make a good family story at Christmas! --Marilyn
We love Vietnamese food! We are always game for new things! Tell us when and where and we are there! :)
maybe you guys should be looking for a house in Birmingam near us. It's closer to family than Huntsville, there are more job opportunities, and more stuff to do with no commute. :) - e
There are actually lots of job in the Huntsville area and you have to remember Rob is pretty set where he is. He only has like 4 or 5 more years and he can retire from there and then go do something else. So, Birmingham really isn't an option for us. I really would rather not commute at all but who knows. Really the major purpose of us moving is to be closer to my family (so they can help with future children)! :)
We will still have "help" from family being an hour away. You guys would too. But it's none of my business one way or the other. I've just walked your path literally several times already. Be good and see you at Christmas. ;P
Just wait until you live over an hour away. People really don't come around as much as you think they will! Maybe in your case it will be different. I can only speak from my own experience!
I understand. Sometimes invitations don't even work. I guess people just like to do their own thing. Oh well.
I'm not sure if this is a knock against me missing Elliott's birthday or not. I'm really hoping its not and that you aren't seriously mad at me over that.
I'm not. Just saying that people live their own lives and you can't depend on family or friends no matter where you live. People visit or help when they can, but ultimately it's just you two or it's just me and Marilyn. If moving to Oneonta is what you and Rob want to do because you both have always wanted to live here then do it. It's a great place to raise a family. But if it's only to be closer to family to get help raising a child then it's a tough call. No matter how much we love each other and are willing to help when needed we all live our own lives. We love you and hope you are happy whatever you decide. ... Now let's end all this back and forth and go back to posting.
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