Monday, March 2, 2009

The Bachelor or should I say "Schmuck"

First off let me say that I stopped watching The Bachelor a few seasons ago when it just got too far fetched for me. The older I get, the worse reality TV is to me. Such an example would be MTV's The Real World. A few years ago I watched that show religiously and now I cannot even stand to be in the same room with it on. However, this season I have caught a little of The Bachelor and really liked Jason who was looking for his soulmate. He really seemed like a genuinely nice guy who was looking for a great girl that would also be a good step-mother for his son. I haven't watched much of this season, but I have seen him on a few talk shows and kind of got sucked in that way. Tonight was the season finale and it literally was the "most dramatic rose ceremony (and follow-up) yet. After proposing to Melissa and vowing his true love for her, he decides he made a mistake and breaks it off with her on national television during the "After the Rose Ceremony" episode. Now, he has broken her heart and then asks the girl whose heart he broke (Molly) to give him a second chance!! And we all know what she says! She is actually going to do it! I'm actually BLOGGING about this...that's how upset I am! Girls, have you no shame!!!!

What is really sad is that I will probably continue to be sucked into this reality show along with others even though I know how ridiculous they are and how disgusted I get at them!

Is anybody as upset about this as I am?

Photo courtesy of ABC


Scott and Mer said...

I am so mad at Jason and Molly. And to make it even worse I had read all the spoilers, so I knew exactly what was going to happen and I was still extremely upset. He is such a JERK!!!