On September 27th, Rob and I celebrated our 8th wedding anniversary! I cannot believe that it's been 8 years! Since we had just gotten back from our beach vacation and are headed to Washington DC in another week, week just decided to do a low key anniversary. We ate dinner at PF Chang's. The staff there was SO sweet to us and they all came by to wish us a Happy Anniversary. Here are the fortunes we got for the night. :)
I am doing a horrible job these days with pictures so these are the only 2 that I got. UGG!
Rob got me a really pretty ring from Swarovski that I had been wanting and I got him an Auburn 2010 BCS Championship book signed by Kodi Burns (one of my favorite AU players, HA)
It was a great 8th anniversary and I can't wait to see what lies ahead! I'm so Blessed to have such a supportive, loving, and the most giving husband in the world! :)
Wow...Happy Anniversary to you both! :) :)
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